June 8, 2007

  • <Here we go : The 2007 NBA Finals>

    This is crazy – When i work, i don’t feel sick anymore. The more i work, the more i feel better. This makes me to feel myself like 阿信 and have a 辛苦命. I can still recall the busy days when i had to study very hard (at least i think so) and worked on a part time basis (in return for money to date girls during college time), i seldom got sick. Once i had holiday, it’s 120% sure i will be sick (more certain than the guarantee fund you have in your MPF account). That’s weird. That’s bizarre. That’s horrible.

    And i begin to love writing xanga in English… It’s simply faster, and it’s easier to convey message. Especially writing NBA in English makes myself a 1000 times easier. But that’s not a good news for my readers (and somehow myself). Or I guess when the Finals’ gone, i will switch back to Chinese entry.

    As I have said here about a week ago, if Cavs won the Eastern Final, people will forget teamwork and talked about the return of one-man-save the earth, die-hardism, individualism (or Jordanism).  That’s exactly why ESPN guys compared LBJ (LBJ stands for LeBron James, it does not stand for LeBanon and Jordan the small country in Mid-East) with Michael Jordan.

    This is unfair. To be honest, no one can ever be compared with Michael Jordan. I am not saying in the basketball domain, but every sports domain. You talked about soccer : Pele and Maradona are great, but they are not, from a professional sportsmanship perspective, as attractive and valuable as Michael Jordan is. Perhaps it’s their fathers’ fault by bringing them to the world too early. Beckham is valuable, but many doubt if he actually knows how to play soccer (i do doubt as well). You talked about Tennis, Agasi, Sampras, Federer are legends, but somehow people are not paying enough attention to sports that do not have physical/ body interaction. So Jordan is simply Jordan, our great Jordan that has neither precedent or successor.

    In 50 years ahead, the two Michael-Js in the states (the other is Michael Jackson) will become a legend that when you become a grandfather and tell your grandsons that you once watched MJ playing basketball, they will drop their jaw to the floor with an unbelievable exclamation. It’s just like someone told you now that he has a full collection of 飯島愛/ 小澤圓 (so it must be “he). If you are not sure how chi-lan-sin MJ is, try either of the links :



    So I felt sorry for LBJ.  But I felt more sorry for Pistons and too sad for everyone who loves unselfish basketball. The motown just missed Ben Wallace and his block shots so much. But LBJ’s 48 point Game 6 is really amazing. Poor Prince. King is simply the father of the prince. You can’t beat your father right? or you go to jail with Paris Hilton.

    Today’s result is not very suprising, 85-76. LBJ is only 4-16 with 6 turnovers. Well done, Bowen. Trust me, not only no one in Cavs could defend Duncans (no one in the entire NBA league can indeed), neither can they defend Tony Parker nor Ginobili. I even think they have trouble defending Bowen. Unless they are taking LBJ on Parker, Parker will be the final MPV (it’s NOT Duncan). Indeed, Parker has been a more energetic and consistent player than Duncan this year. If you wish to watch the highlight for today’s game, please click the following link


    Anyway, I think i’m one of the few guys that (1) are delighted for LBJ and Cavs’ meltdown today BUT (2) are not a fan of Spurs. This is weird because i hate Duncan very much, but on the other hand i like the way they play Cavs. Just sweep LBJ, dismantle the Gooden and Hughes and other supporting cast with no performances, go to WhiteHouse, Spurs.

    Show them it is teamwork that matters in basketball. Show then you can win ball game with boredom.

    I still insist my earlier prediction of 4:1 Spurs wins the title.

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